ZILDJIAN S FAMILY Performer Činele setovi

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: ZILDJIAN
  • Tip: S390
Zvuk: Svetao
Karakter: Bright, versatile and expressive cymbal set
Težina: Srednja
Materijal: B12
Diameter: 14H, 16C, 18C, 20R
Specifikacije II: All the essential sizes to take your durmming to the next level
Specifikacije III: Cymbals for playing across many musical genres
Karakteristike: Made with cutting-edge modern cymbal techniques
Dodatne karakteristike: B12 provides balanced frequency response

Take your drumming to the next level with the versatile and expressive S Family of cymbals. This explosive pack from the Zildjian Sound Lab features amped-up B12 alloy, which provides a balanced frequency response and is available in a wide selection of models. Each S Family Pack is engineered with cutting-edge modern cymbal making techniques, and can be played across many musical genres. (14H, 16C, 18C, 20R)

Item No.: S390

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