• Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: ZILDJIAN
  • Tip: K1070
Diameter: 14"
Specifikacije: Opens up with more dark overtones, distinction and musicality than ever before
Specifications II: Newer-style hammering technique
Specifications III: Additional pin lathe on top and bottom
Karakteristike: Vintage style cup for the bell
Features II: Vintage look of earlier K's from the '60s
Features III: Deep and full "chick" sound
Artikal: K' Constantinople series

The 14" K Constantinople HiHats utilize the same newer hammering techniques as the K Constantinople Crashes, allowing them to open up with more dark overtones, distinction, and musicality than ever before. The new pin lathe, added to the top and bottom of each cymbal, serves as an additional tonal groove, adding to the overall complexity of the sound produced. Additionally, the new pin lathe enhances the visual appearance of these cymbals giving them a vintage look similar to earlier K's from the '60s.

Item No.: K1070

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