NUMARK MP103 USB Tabletop Media Player

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: OTHER
  • Tip: 7900207

Let’s face it. Just about everyone has CDs. Whether you gig with a CD library or someone brings you a CD to play, it helps to be able to play them. If you’re ready to transition to performing with MP3 files or even if you already do, the MP103USB USB and MP3 CD player lets you have the best of both worlds in one extremely convenient and powerful place. For DJs whose libraries live on their computer, MP103USB is a perfect solution.

The MP103USB is rack-mountable and designed for professional DJs and installations. Thousands of songs can be loaded from a computer onto a USB flash or hard drive. The MP103USB’s USB input allows you to put your entire digital music library on a USB flash or hard drive and perform with it at a gig. If you are a DJ transitioning to using MP3 files, the MP103USB is ideal because it allows you to still use your entire library of CDs or MP3 CDs while giving you more options for using digital media.

We didn’t stop with just a simple player. The MP103USB comes loaded with features working DJs need like Master Tempo, Scratching, Seamless Loop, Pitch Control, Reverse and Brake effects and an Auto-BPM counter. The MP103USB is loaded with premium features but is still affordable for DJs of any level. Balanced XLR outputs mean you can connect to any system in seconds with professional results.

There simply has never been a rack-mounted deck that offers so much for so little.

Item No.: 7900207

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