SABIAN PARAGON 10" Splash činela

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: SABIAN
  • Tip: 9789
Muzički stil: Creative
Zvuk: Svetao
Sustain: Kratko
Težina: Tanka
Finiš: Peskaren
Materijal: B20
Diameter: 10
Artikal: NP1005N

Small, thin models with fast, punchy responses and plenty of high-end cutting power.Designed with RUSH drummer Neil Peart, the SABIAN 10" Paragon Splash is a small, thin model with fast, punchy responses and plenty of high-end cutting power. Glassy sounding, it's direct and surprisingly powerful. As you would expect, the Paragon Splash works great in a rock setting, yet offers a versatility and flexibility suitable for a wide range of applications. Handcrafted from pure SABIAN B20 bronze, Paragon cymbals offer subtle looks and powerful, dynamic sounds. Created using AA-style hammering and an innovative mix of sound-defining features from the AA, AAX, and HH series, Paragon defines a new, closer relationship between power and musicality in cymbals that are dynamically responsive, highly durable, and effective in a wide range of applications.  

Item No.: 9789

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