REMO BR-1120-00 Ambasador Coated 20˝ Opna za ba bubanj

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: REMO
  • Tip: 2704
Koristi se za:: Bass bubanj
Prečnik: 20"
Serija: Ambasador
Sloj: 1 sloj
Debljina oboda: 10 mil
Završna obrada: Obložen
Boja: Beli

The Remo coated Ambassador heads are medium-weight heads made with a coated single-ply 10-mil Mylar film to produce a warm open, bright, and resonant sound with a warm attack. Coated Ambassador heads are the standard of the industry for both live and recording situations.

The Remo coated Ambassador drumhead is slightly warmer than clear heads. They're known for their bright warm tones, resonance, and sustain. Coated heads are best known as batter and resonant heads warming up the sound of snare drums, tom-toms and bass drums.

Item No.: 2704

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