• Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: DZS
  • Tip: 9009121
Specifikacije: 32 pages
Specifikacije II: The collection contains 11 songs for two drum sets

The collection contains 11 songs for two drum sets, for easier understanding and learning, audio recordings of all songs are available online, to strengthen creativity and develop improvisation, the songs contain shorter or longer passages and some also open solo parts. The songs increase in difficulty!

The initial songs use simple pop/rock rhythms and short passages, followed by more complex pop/rock rhythms with preludes, double beats, single-beat tremolos and metric modulations!

The basic style of the songs is pop/rock, but some songs also include shuffle, bembe and mambo rhythms, the songs are also excellent material for performances, concerts, presentations, etc.

The collection is in English, but contains standard notation and is therefore understandable to everyone!

The collection consists of 32 pages

Item No.: 9009121

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