YAMAHA TB2 Trombone Krpa za čišćenje

  • Raspoloživost:
  • Prodavac: YAMAHA
Specifikacije: If the swab is stored in cloth contact with your instrument, case, etc., the colour may run. This is dependent on storage location, storage conditions, temperature and/or humidity, etc.
Specifications II: Wash with lukewarm water below 40℃ , or with water by hand.
Specifications III: The swab can be ironed at low temperatures.
Karakteristike: Large amounts of detergent may cause the cloth dye to run on rare occasions.
Features II: As the nylon guide is pointed, please handle with care.

Yamaha Large bore Microfibre Cleaning Swab for Trombone

Ultra-absorbent microfiber

Microfiber is a synthetic fabric that's extremely absorbent, strong and lint-free. The unique shape of the threads allows microfiber to trap moisture and grime much more effectively than traditional fabrics like cotton or wool, making microfiber the superior choice for cleaning.

Maximum contact

The specially designed shape gives this swab maximum contact with the inside of the instrument. This keeps more of the swab touching metal for the best possible cleaning effect while minimizing the chance of getting stuck around tight bends.


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