MEINL MSTP Split Tone Anika Nilles 12" Practice pad

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: MEINL
  • Tip: MSTP
Specifikacije: Primary pad (middle): Regular tone
Specifications II: Secondary pad (red dots): Higher tone
Specifications III: Soft oval shape and backside: Muted tone
Karakteristike: Durable surface - realistic feel

The Split Tone Pad consists of three distinct surfaces that offer different feels and volume levels, along with a reduced rebound section on the back. It is designed to train more than a simple rudiment. With the Split Tone Pad, you can creatively mold your own systematic approach to advance your consistency, accuracy in unisons, hand independence and muscle strength. The power of this pad is in its ability to train your ears and mind for a better understanding of rhythms.

Item No.: MSTP

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