SUPERLUX HD3871i White Headphones

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: SUPERLUX
  • Tip: HD387I
Raspon frekvencije: 20Hz~20kHz
Diameter: • ø8 mm driver provides wide and flat frequency response and studio-level sound quality.
Specifikacije: Cubic Backcup design delivers the bass reflection effect same as the speaker cabinet to provide deeply but clean bass frequency for wide range use.
Specifications II: Furnished with three different sizes of earplugs and earhooks for every individual to find the best fi
Specifications III: Ergonomic design improves the stability on ear and not easy to fall off.
Karakteristike: Driver:Ø8mm, Neodymium
Features II: Ø3.5mm(Gold plated stereo mini plug)
Dužina: Cable:1.2-meter(3.9 ft.)

Superlux HD387i includes an in-line remote control with microphone for your smartphone or iDevice. Adjust the volume by pressing the “ + ” and “ - ” buttons. Control music and video playback - including play /pause and next / previous - by pressing the center button. Record voice memos on supported devices. Answer and end calls.

Item No.: HD387I

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