SURY SOUND D-GRIP Nylon Mandolin / Tambura Pick

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: SURY SOUND
  • Tip: 524688
Boja: Braon

D-GRIP Nylon picks are well known and very popular. The picks are characterised by a further improved grip texture. Production takes place in Ceska Trebova, Czech Republic, exclusively using the purest nylon materials.
D-GriP™ picks from Janicek PICKS, innovators of the legendary “Brain Picks.” D-GriP™ picks are simply the best nylon pick in the world. These picks are pressed into a special hand-made mold, which creates the unique non-slip surface and is impossible to imitate. This surface was developed over a period of several years and the special design has obtained a world-wide patent protection.
The combination of the best quality nylon, unique patented surface, flawless geometry of the edges and the precision manufacturing makes D-GriP™ a true Rolls Royce of picks.

Item No.: 524688

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