FENDER 3-WAY TOGGLE Aged Svič za magnete

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: FENDER
  • Tip: 005-3694-049
Specifikacije: Heavy-duty low-profile right-angle Switchcraft toggle switch
Specifications II: Includes mounting hardware and aged white switch tip
Specifications III: Used for pickup selection on vintage and modern Jaguar® and Jazzmaster® guitars
Karakteristike: Fits most vintage and modern Jaguar and Jazzmaster guitars

Fender offers a wide selection of Pure Vintage electronics to players looking to restore or upgrade their guitar or amplifier with classic Fender in mind. From potentiometers to select capacitors, tube sockets and more, these electronics are created to closely replicate original-era Fender parts and have been used on a number of Fender reissue instruments and amplifiers, including our American Vintage series of guitars and basses.


Item No.: 005-3694-049

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