LA BELLA M45 BASS STRING 45-105 Žice za bas gitaru

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: LA BELLA
  • Tip: M45

Manufactured with old world craftsmanship and modern expertise, the Stainless Steel Round Wound Series is the most versatile bass guitar strings on the market. A product used by many great jazz, rock, pop and session players, these perfectly balanced sets are super-flexible for bending and sustaining notes while maintaining a long-lasting bright tone.

  • Stainless Steel Round Wound
  • Higher tension than our Rx Series
  • String Gauges: .045, .065, .085, .105
  • Versatile construction appeals to every style bass, genre of music and playing style
  • Made in the USA with American Wire
  • Packaged using MAP Technology (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) to prevent tarnishing and ensure freshness

All standard bass sets are LONG scale length (37″ ball-end to taper i.e. string winding).

Item No.: M45

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