NUX MG-20 Multi Effects Guitar Processor Efekti za gitaru

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: NUX
  • Tip: MG20
Tip efekta: Nožni multiefekat
Procesuiranje signala: 32bits Floating Point DSP Processing
Ekran: TFT LCD
Kontrole: New CTRL Footswitch
Specifikacije: Simple and Intuitive User Interface, 36 User Presets + 36 Factory Presets
Karakteristike: USB Port for Updating Software and tone editing.

MG-20 is the floor guitar processor with 32bit float point DSP equipped and True Simulation of Analog Circuits (TSAC) technology. Up to 60 models, 60's looper, sample-based drum machine and MP3/WAV player, sophisticated user interface and big colorful LCD display, MG-20 is the pro solution for guitarist who wants to nice tone and function.

The multi-purpose CTL pedal allows you to switch effects on and off, boost volume for solo, TAP the delay time and modulation speed, or play/stop backing track!

With an extensional pedal and the built-in Expression pedal, you are going to have superb control on stage! Lots of possibilities!

With the USB port, you are able to update the system and edit tone on your computer!

Large 2.4 inches color TFT LCD

DRUM and Phrase Loop Machine

Built-in Tuner

Built-in MP3/WAV Player

Total of 60 Effect Models

36 User Presets + 36 Factory Presets

Scene Selecting to Match the Equipment

Drum Machine and Phrase Looper

USB Port for Updating Software and tone editing.

Item No.: MG20

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